Financial Literacy Month 2023

Financial literacy month 2023, Financial awareness month 2023, April financial literacy month 2023, Financial literacy month 2023 theme

Financial Literacy Month, April financial literacy month 2023, Financial Literacy Month 2023 Theme, Financial literacy month activities, Financial literacy month 2023 Theme, Financial literacy day, Financial wellness month, Financial Months

Financial Literacy Month 2023: Getting Started with Education

According to the recent Survey, more than three in four people believe the more educated they are about investing the better they can manage money and as we all know the better we are managing our money the more likely we are to reach our goals.

Unfortunately, there’s a gap in the system when it comes to financial literacy but we are filling that gap with an immersive curriculum to help investors stay confident as they make investing decisions.

With April being financial literacy month, we thought it was a great opportunity to connect you with all that we have available. National Financial Literacy Month—renamed by the Biden administration as “National Financial Capability Month”—runs from April 1 to April 30.

Financial Literacy Month
Financial Literacy Month

Financial literacy or financial education is the ability to understand & effectively apply various financial skills including but not limited to personal financial management budgeting, saving and investing.

Financial literacy is essential to understanding and developing good short-term and long-term financial habits that lead to greater financial well-being.

As an example sometimes as consumers, we are unaware of the financial consequences of taking on too much personal debt and having little to no savings,

in addition, the lack of disposable income also creates the inability to deal with unexpected emergencies that may arise or receive proper financial counseling.

So in response to this serious problem in 2004, the united states congress designated April as National Financial Literacy Month by passing resolution 316.

Each April, Federal and state agencies, credit unions, schools, non-profit organizations, businesses and other entities observe National Financial Literacy Month to raise awareness about the importance of financial literacy education in the united states and the consequences that may be associated with a lack of understanding about your personal finance.

History of financial literacy month

Financial Literacy Month is a national observance in the United States that takes place every April. The event is designed to promote financial education and awareness among Americans of all ages.

The idea for Financial Literacy Month originated in 2003 when the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy began promoting April as Financial Literacy for Youth Month. The goal of the campaign was to raise awareness about the importance of teaching children and teenagers about personal finance.

The following year, the United States Senate passed a resolution officially recognizing April as Financial Literacy Month. The resolution encouraged individuals, organizations, and businesses to participate in activities and initiatives designed to promote financial literacy.

Since then, Financial Literacy Month has become an annual event in the United States, with a variety of organizations and institutions hosting workshops, seminars, and other activities to promote financial education. Many schools also use the occasion to teach financial literacy skills to their students.

The importance of financial literacy has only increased over time, particularly as more and more Americans find themselves struggling with debt, retirement planning, and other financial challenges. By promoting financial education and awareness, Financial Literacy Month helps to empower Americans with the tools and knowledge they need to make informed financial decisions and achieve greater financial security.

How can financial literacy help students?

Financial literacy helps individuals become self-sufficient so that they can achieve financial stability by being financially literate one can be efficient with their finances and hence achieve more goals and maximize the value of their income effectively.

This allows individuals to make fewer financial mistakes that could have negative long-term impacts in the future.

Throughout the month of April, NYU’s financial education department along with the student link center will be providing videos to help you gain insights on several financial literacy services to learn more about how financial literacy education affects you.


Financial Literacy is the ability to understand and use various financial skills, including managing your finances, budgeting, handling debt and credit, and investing.

It also means grasping certain economic principles and concepts and how to plan for the future. START EXPLORING HERE!!!


Read all-time best financial books like Rich dad poor dad, The Richest Man in Babylon and The Psychology of MoneyTimeless Lessons on WealthGreed, and Happiness.

Explore NAF’s Finance Passport Expedition on Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain and complete a passion project like creating a non-fungible token (NFT) or taking the $20K investment challenge.

Subscribe to social media pages dedicated to financial literacy. Some options include Jump$tart’s Twitter or Today’s Dough, a financial website for learners created by NAF academy alumni and learners.

Develop your financial skills all year, Check out Jump$tart’s January-December Resources to learn more about taxes, insurance, credit, investing and more.

Watch the 10 Personal Finance Rules School Doesn’t Teach You video by Financial Wisdom that discusses credit, investing, and money management.

Build a strong financial literacy foundation for your future by taking Intuit’s Free Financial Literacy Foundations Course.

Listen to a Popcorn Finance Podcast with Anthony O’Neal talking about obtaining a Debt-Free Degree. Be in the know before you apply for college or financial aid.

April is National Financial Literacy Month

April has been designated by Congress as National Financial Literacy Month.

The United States Bankruptcy Judges of the Middle District of Florida are participating in this annual promotion of financial well-being and invite you to browse and acquire good financial habits.

Financial Literacy Month: 30 Steps to Financial Wellness

– Originally posted from

Financial Literacy Month is a celebration and a challenge. It’s a chance to reflect on the state of our personal finances and an opportunity to improve those finances, one step at a time.

The 30 steps of Financial Literacy Month are designed to help you identify your money weaknesses and turn them into strengths.

If you want more from your money, take the pledge and commit to completing these 30 steps in the next 30 days.

April is officially Financial Literacy Month, but you can pledge to take these 30 steps any time you’re ready!


The first and most important step in developing and following a financial plan is to examine your attitudes toward money.

  • Are you ready to accept responsibility for changing your financial situation?
  • Do you believe that you can and will change the way you make financial decisions?
  • Can you identify at least one benefit you hope to gain by changing your money management behavior?


  • How are you doing financially?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your areas of improvement?

This is a great opportunity, to be honest about your relationship with money. Write down your feelings and findings.


You may be anxious to get started, but it is hard to get motivated when you are knee-deep in paperwork.

Getting your financial house organized is a great way to begin your path toward financial wellness.

But before you bulldoze that pile, you should know that some things are worth hanging on to. The key is to know what to keep and what to toss.


While all members should be aware of the family’s overall financial situation, choosing one person to conduct the day-to-day financial tasks is a good way to stay on top of things.

The appointed individual should be organized and a good communicator. They should be given uninterrupted time to do their tasks effectively.


Your credit reports can provide a snapshot of your overall financial situation. Reviewing your credit reports for accuracy can also help you to identify errors or fraudulent activity.

Fortunately, it is easier than ever to obtain copies of your reports. The FACT Act gives every consumer the right to a free credit report every year from each of the three major credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

To get your free report, simply visit


If you find an error on your credit reports, you’ll need to know your rights. Your most effective weapon in dealing with the credit bureaus is the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

Legally, the FCRA protects you by requiring credit bureaus to furnish correct and complete information to companies requesting credit histories for evaluation.


To develop an accurate picture of the amount of money you will have in the future, take a look back.

Decide if your income will be from the same or from different sources and the amount of income you can expect to earn in the future.


Calculating your net worth is as simple as comparing what you owe (liabilities) and what you own (assets).


Freedom from debt is an achievable goal for every family. The first step in regaining control is to take an honest look at your existing obligations.


Creating a list of needs and wants can help you establish your financial priorities.


Before you think about setting goals, review the five parts of SMART goals.

S | A smart goal is specific. It pinpoints something you want to change to achieve.

M | A smart goal is measurable. You can measure or count a SMART goal.

A | A smart goal is achievable. Setting goals too high can lead to frustration.

R | A smart goal is rewarding. Reaching the goal should be a reward for your hard work.

T | A smart goal is trackable. Set milestones and schedules for your goals.


Personal financial goals will differ in the length of time needed to achieve them.

Short-term goals are priorities that can be accomplished within two years. Be sure every goal has a specific purpose, a dollar amount that it will cost, and a realistic target date.

Mid-term goals are priorities that can be accomplished within two to five years. Make sure your goals are realistic and flexible. If you set your goals too high, frustration will keep you from reaching them.

Long-term financial goals are priorities that may take more than five years to accomplish. Most long-term goals require regular savings.


There are two popular methods that people use to tackle debt.

The first is to concentrate on paying off the debt with the smallest balance first (never forgetting to make required payments to all debts, of course).

After that balance is repaid, you can then apply that payment to the card with the next smallest balance and continue the process until all debts are satisfied.

This method can be very rewarding because you see progress quickly. The second popular method is to first concentrate on repaying the debt with the highest interest rate.

This method will save you the most interest charges over time. Regardless of the method you choose, be patient and persistent.


Unfortunately, bad things sometimes happen to good people. In fact, bankruptcy filers often cite an “unforeseen” event as the cause of their financial demise.

In addition to long-term savings, financial experts agree that consumers should aim to have three to six months of living expenses saved for emergencies.

By learning to expect the unexpected, you can keep a minor financial setback from turning into a major financial crisis.


Don’t despair if you are behind on your retirement goals. If it is any consolation, you aren’t alone; studies show many households are not adequately prepared for retirement.


One trick to keeping your financial goals is to remind yourself of your goals on a regular basis. At the very least, you should document your high-priority goals and post them where you will see them every day.

Utilize our FREE Money Maximizer tool through our Online Banking to set financial goals and track your progress.


Most likely, reaching your financial goals will require you to commit to saving. That is one reason saving is an essential part of any money management plan.

Set money aside each month to save for your short-, mid-, and long-term goals. If you are having trouble establishing a nest egg, don’t despair.

Open a new savings account through our Online New Account Kit and we will help you to start saving.

We have an excellent Change It Up program that helps you to add to your savings each time you use your PSB&T debit card.


For most people, financial health doesn’t depend on how much they earn, but on how much they spend.

To help you find out where your money is going, the next three steps involve tracking expenses.

Follow your money and track your spending all from one tool with our FREE Money Maximizer tool through Online Banking.



Fixed expenses are those that do not vary from month to month. Examples of fixed expenses include car payments and mortgage or rent payments.

Fixed expenses are the most difficult to manipulate.


You may have a good idea of where the money is going on a day-to-day basis, but before you start working on a spending plan or budget, it is important to call attention to the top budget breaker: periodic expenses.

Periodic expenses are those that are not paid on a regular monthly basis. For example, both holiday and tax debts are periodic, meaning they are not part of regular monthly expenditures.

In that regard, they join the ranks of other expenses such as auto registrations and vacations.


It’s time to record all of your expenses – fixed, periodic, and variable – and see where your income and expenses meet (or possibly fail to meet).


To create a balanced budget or increase savings, most people will have to find a way to earn more or spend less. If the idea of spending less sounds challenging, try starting small.

In addition to making small changes, resolve to boost your savings by including all of your “windfall” money.

This “free money” includes increased income from a pay increase, birthday gifts, insurance settlements, escrow overages, tax refunds, and inheritances.


Saving money on groceries doesn’t have to be hard work. Making just some small changes can net big rewards to your pocketbook.

Simple changes in the way you plan and shop can help you reduce the amount you’re spending on groceries.


When you identify ways to reduce spending, you are being honest with yourself about your finances. Being honest with yourself and others about your finances will ensure your success.


Now that you have identified some areas where you would like to make some changes, it is time to revisit your budget.

Remember, this is not about sacrifice; it is about making choices to help you achieve your goals.

After you have made adjustments, you can move forward using this spending plan as a road map for achieving your goals.



Being in charge of the family’s finances is an awesome responsibility. In addition to providing your family with the basic necessities of life, you may feel responsible for their overall financial well-being.

One of the best ways to care for your family is to be sure that you are prepared if something were to happen to you or another member of your family.


It is important to carefully weigh your options before making a credit decision. When you sign or cosign an application for credit, you are agreeing to all its terms.

Moving forward, commit to understanding everything to which you are agreeing.


Managing your finances can be like putting together a puzzle; all the pieces need to fit in order to be rewarded with the “big picture.”

Working with one or more of these financial professionals can help put the pieces in place. Our Banking Specialists are here to help educate you and help you to succeed.


Change may be hard, but the payoff can be priceless. In addition to improving your financial situation, you may also, find your money management skills can benefit other aspects of your life.


Congratulations! You have given a great deal of thought to your financial situation, your spending habits, and the change process.

You now have the knowledge necessary to make positive decisions that will ensure a successful financial future.

November is recognized annually as Financial Literacy Month in Canada and National Financial Literacy Month was recognized in the United States in April every year.

Financial literacy month activities

Financial Literacy Month is an annual observance in the United States that is dedicated to promoting the importance of financial education. Activities that are often organized during Financial Literacy Month include:

  1. Workshops and seminars on topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt.
  2. Online webinars and virtual events provide financial education and resources for individuals, families, and small businesses.
  3. School-based programs and educational materials for students of all ages are aimed at helping them develop the skills they need to make informed financial decisions.
  4. Community events and fairs provide information on financial products and services, as well as resources for people looking to improve their financial literacy.
  5. Social media campaigns and public awareness campaigns raise awareness about the importance of financial education and promote resources and tools that can help individuals and families improve their financial literacy.

It’s important to note that the activities vary depending on the organization and the target audience, and specific dates may vary depending on the country.

What is Financial Literacy? | Financial Literacy Month 2023

Financial literacy month October

Financial Literacy Month is typically observed in the United States in the month of April, but October also is the month in many countries observe it.

Activities organized during this time include workshops, seminars, webinars, school programs, community events, and public awareness campaigns, with the goal of promoting financial education and helping individuals improve their financial literacy.

The aim of these activities is to educate the public about the importance of managing their money, creating a budget, saving for the future, investing, and understanding credit and debt.

During October, the focus is on providing resources and tools to help people make better financial decisions and encourage people to take control of their financial future.

Many organizations such as banks, credit unions, non-profit groups, government agencies and schools participate in Financial literacy month, by providing a variety of educational programs, and materials to help people learn about personal finance.

It’s worth noting that, even though the main focus is on October, financial education is important all year round, and it’s not only reserved for a specific month. There are many online resources, books, and organizations that people can access to improve their financial literacy at any time.

Financial literacy month 2023 theme

The Financial Literacy Month 2023 theme is not available now it will soon update when gov will launch it.

Centered around the 2023 Financial Literacy Month theme of “Designing a Financial Future: Build, Grow, Succeed,” there are messages that our Partners, Affiliates, and other financial literacy stakeholders can use, as well as some for families, teachers, and anyone who wants to help.

The theme selected for the previous year’s Financial literacy week ( FLW 2022 ) is “Go Digital, Go Secure” which will be observed between February 14-18, 2022.

Financial literacy day

Financial literacy day is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of financial education and promoting resources and tools that can help individuals improve their financial literacy. It is usually set by an organization or country, on a specific date.

For example, Global Money Week is an annual event dedicated to financial literacy and education, which runs from the Monday to the following Sunday of the third week of March. It is an initiative of Child & Youth Finance International and is celebrated in over 160 countries.

In the United States, National Teach Children to Save Day is an annual event that is held on the Tuesday of the third week in April, as part of National Financial Literacy Month.

It’s worth noting that, while having a specific day to raise awareness about financial literacy is important, financial education is important all year round, and should be continuously promoted and available for people to access and improve their financial literacy.

Financial wellness month

Financial wellness is the state of having control over one’s finances and the ability to make sound financial decisions.

Similar to financial literacy month, Financial Wellness Month is an observance that is dedicated to promoting financial education, resources and tools that help individuals improve their financial wellness. It is often organized by financial institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions, and takes place on different months for different organizations.

Activities during the month may include:

  1. Workshops and seminars on topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, retirement planning, and debt management.
  2. Online webinars and virtual events provide financial education and resources for individuals, families, and small businesses.
  3. Financial check-ups, assessments and counseling, to help employees understand their current financial status and goals and to provide tailored financial advice.
  4. Social media campaigns and public awareness campaigns raise awareness about the importance of financial wellness and promote resources and tools that can help individuals improve their financial wellness.
  5. Educational materials and programs for students, help them develop the skills they need to make informed financial decisions.

It’s worth noting that, just as with financial literacy month, the activities, and dates might vary from country to country and from organization to organization, and some financial wellness months might not even exist.

Financial months

Financial literacy and wellness are important topics and as such many organizations around the world dedicate a specific time of the year to promoting financial education, providing resources and tools, and raising awareness about the importance of managing money and understanding personal finances. Here are a few examples:

  • Financial Literacy Month: Observed in the United States in April and in some other countries in October, this month is dedicated to promoting the importance of financial education and providing resources and tools to help people improve their financial literacy.
  • Global Money Week: It runs from Monday to the following Sunday of the third week of March, and is an initiative of Child & Youth Finance International. it is celebrated in over 160 countries, providing opportunities for children and youth to learn about money, savings, and financial inclusion.
  • National Retirement Security Week: It is held in October in the United States, and is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of retirement planning and saving for the future.
  • National Credit Education Month: Also in the United States and held in April, National Credit Education Month is dedicated to helping people understand their credit and learn how to improve it.
  • National Consumer Protection Week: It is held in the US in the first full week of March, and is dedicated to educating consumers about their rights and providing resources to help them make informed financial decisions.

It’s worth noting that financial education is important all year round, not only during specific months and there are many other organizations and initiatives that promote financial literacy and wellness throughout the year.


Financial Literacy Month is typically observed in April and is a time to focus on learning more about personal finance and money management. Here are a few ways to observe Financial Literacy Month:

  1. Learn about personal finance: Take the time to educate yourself about budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt.
  2. Talk to a financial advisor: Schedule a meeting with a financial advisor to discuss your financial goals and develop a plan to achieve them.
  3. Attend a financial literacy event: Many organizations and financial institutions host events and workshops during Financial Literacy Month to educate the public about personal finance.
  4. Make a budget: Use the month as an opportunity to create a budget and start tracking your spending.
  5. Share your knowledge: Share what you have learned with friends and family, and encourage them to take steps to improve their own financial literacy.
  6. Practice Good Habits: Reflect on your spending habits, look for ways to cut back, and make a plan to save more money.


Financial literacy month is observed to raise awareness about the importance of understanding personal finance and managing money effectively.

The goal is to educate individuals on how to make informed financial decisions and to promote financial literacy as a lifelong skill. This event is usually held in April of each year.


  • Financial Literacy Month is typically observed in April.
  • The goal of Financial Literacy Month is to educate individuals on how to make informed financial decisions and to promote financial literacy as a lifelong skill.
  • The theme for Financial Literacy Month changes each year and is chosen by the Financial Literacy and Education Commission.
  • Financial Literacy Month events and activities are organized by government agencies, non-profit organizations, and financial institutions.
  • Activities can include seminars, workshops, and webinars on personal finance topics, as well as financial literacy fairs and money management contests.
  • Financial Literacy Month is an opportunity for individuals to take control of their financial future and learn about important financial topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, credit management, and retirement planning.
  • Financial Literacy Month is an opportunity for individuals to assess their current financial situation and make a plan for achieving their financial goals.

Steps to Take Full Advantage of Financial Literacy Month

  1. Learn about the events and activities planned for Financial Literacy Month in your area. This could include seminars, workshops, and webinars on personal finance topics.
  2. Attend financial literacy events and workshops to learn about budgeting, saving, investing, credit management, and retirement planning.
  3. Take advantage of free resources and tools offered during Financial Literacy Month, such as financial calculators and budgeting apps.
  4. Assess your current financial situation and set financial goals for yourself.
  5. Take advantage of any special offers or promotions related to financial products or services that may be available during Financial Literacy Month.
  6. Use the opportunity to share your knowledge and educate others in your community about financial literacy and personal finance management.
  7. Finally, make a plan and stick to it, to achieve your financial goals.

Why Financial Literacy Matters

Financial literacy matters because it enables individuals to make informed decisions about their money and achieve their financial goals.

It also helps them understand and navigate the financial system, avoid scams and fraud, and plan for a secure financial future.

More Dates

  • Financial Literacy Month on Apr 01, 2024
  • Financial Literacy Month on Apr 01, 2025
  • Financial Literacy Month on Apr 01, 2026


2023April 1Saturday
2024April 1Monday
2025April 1Tuesday
2026April 1Wednesday
2027April 1Thursday
Financial Literacy Month Dates


Financial literacy month is a great opportunity to increase awareness and knowledge about personal finance. Here are some ways to conclude the month’s activities:

  1. Review your financial goals: Take some time to reflect on your financial goals and assess your progress toward achieving them. Consider adjusting your budget or investment strategy if necessary.
  2. Share your knowledge: Spread the word about financial literacy by sharing what you’ve learned with your family, friends, or colleagues. Encourage them to take steps towards improving their financial literacy.
  3. Take action: Don’t stop at just learning about financial literacy. Take action by implementing what you’ve learned. Start by creating a budget, saving more money, or investing in a retirement plan.
  4. Attend a workshop or seminar: Look for local workshops or seminars that focus on financial literacy. This is a great way to learn from experts and get new insights.
  5. Continue to educate yourself: Don’t let your newfound knowledge go to waste. Continue to educate yourself about personal finance by reading books, following financial experts on social media, and attending events.

Remember, financial literacy is a lifelong journey, and there’s always more to learn. Keep making progress towards your financial goals and continue to educate yourself along the way.


What month is Financial Literacy Month?

In the United States, Financial Literacy Month is typically observed in April. During this month, organizations and individuals work to raise awareness about the importance of financial education and to provide resources and tools to help individuals improve their financial literacy and make informed financial decisions.

When did Financial Literacy Month start in Canada?

Financial Literacy Month in Canada was first officially recognized in November 2014. It was initiated by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC), which is an independent organization that promotes and protects the interests of consumers of financial products and services.
It’s observed in November every year, and the FCAC prepares a National strategy on financial literacy, the theme for the month and other important information in the months leading up to November to maximize the impact and reach of the campaign.

Why is April Financial Literacy Month?

April has been designated as Financial Literacy Month in the United States because it’s a time of year when many people are preparing their taxes and thinking about their financial situation. It’s also a good time to review one’s financial goals and make any necessary changes to their spending and saving habits.
April is also a time when students are getting ready to graduate from college, and financial literacy is especially important for young people as they are about to enter the workforce and start making important financial decisions.

Is October a financial planning month?

In the United States, October is not officially designated as a financial planning month. However, there are a few events that take place during the month that are related to personal finance and financial planning.
For example, the first week of October is designated as “National Retirement Security Week”.

Interested to learn more about » Financial literacy month 2023 Click on the Link.

» Read the more related article…

  1. The Ultimate Guide To Personal Financial Literacy
  2. Understanding Financial Literacy
  3. What Is Financial Literacy
  4. Define Financial Literacy
Sapna Negi
Sapna Negi

My name is Sapna Rana Negi and I have done B.A. Basically I am a resident of Gudum, a small village in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand state, I was always very interested in internet and for almost a year I have been doing writing work by joining the team of InvesToBrain.Com. Also I am also a housewife.

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