Before investing in a mutual fund scheme, investors are encouraged to compare the returns they get with those of other schemes. While a plan’s past returns are no guarantee of future returns, they can be an indication of the plan’s potential to perform in the future.
Other factors that a mutual fund investor should consider before accepting an investment include the reputation of the fund house, the broad category to which the scheme falls, macroeconomic fundamentals, whether the scheme is active or passive and the past performance of the fund manager of the active scheme.
Here we share the returns of value mutual funds over the past year.
What are value funds?
Value mutual funds refer to plans with a stock-based value investment strategy, with an investment ratio of no less than 65%. There are 23 value mutual fund schemes with total assets under management (AUM) of $1,89,470.65 as on November 30, 2024.
(Source: AMFI; as of December 19, 2024)
LIC MF Value Fund has the highest return rate of 32.34%. JM Value Fund’s return in the past year was 28.35%, HSBC Value Fund’s return was 29.30%, and UTI Value Fund’s return was 27.71%.
At the same time, investors are advised not to rely solely on the past performance of mutual fund schemes before accepting investments. This is because the program’s past performance (more than 25%) may or may not continue in the future.
notes: This story is for informational purposes only. Please consult a SEBI registered investment advisor before taking any investment related decision.