“The water of Yamuna has turned poison. Arvind Kejriwal claimed that he will clean Yamuna by 2025. Earlier they said 2020, now they claim 2025. Now, if it comes before Chhath Puja In this case, the women who come here will have to. The Yamuna river is polluted with so many diseases because the funds allocated for cleaning the Yamuna river are being used by Arvind Kejriwal for advertising and himself. ,” said Poonawalla.
Lashing out at AAP for playing the blame game, Poonawalla said, “Now they will blame the Uttar Pradesh and Haryana governments. The question that arises is why Delhi turned into a gas chamber today. The reason behind toxic water and air is toxic politics . All ministers come here to swim as Kejriwal said if he is willing to swim then only he will contest the elections.
Meanwhile, Union Minister Harsh Malhotra also reached the banks of Yamuna river and lashed out at AAP, saying, “…in Kalindi Kunj district, the oxygen level in Yamuna river is zero…Central government provides Delhi with The Rs 3,000-crore government to clean up the Yamuna river is mired in corruption… The AAP government is an expert in spreading lies and confusing the public…”
At 10 am, Delhi’s overall air quality index had dropped to 297, which was in the “poor” category. time exposure, and in the “very poor” category, prolonged exposure may cause respiratory illness.